

Gordon King is the owner of Simply Birding, a website dedicated to sharing his passion for birdwatching and the wonders of nature. An avid naturalist, Gordon has authored numerous books that reflect his love for the outdoors, all of which can be found here: https://www.amazon.com.au/stores/Gordon-King/author/B0CNXBNF38 .In addition to his work on birding and nature, Gordon is also exploring his interest in writing children's books, aiming to inspire young readers to appreciate the natural world around them.

Image of a Striated Heron

Striated Heron

Wetlands are among the most biologically diverse and ecologically significant ecosystems on Earth, serving as vital habitats for a wide range of flora and fauna. Among the many inhabitants of these watery wonderlands is the Striated Heron (Butorides striata), a master of stealth and precision in the avian world. Striated Herons, also known as Little…

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Image of a Little Lorikeets

Little Lorikeets

Australia is home to a remarkable diversity of avian species, and among its vibrant residents are the Little Lorikeets (Parvipsitta pusilla). These tiny parrots, known for their dazzling plumage and boisterous personalities, are a captivating presence in the country’s eastern and northern regions. In this article, we will delve into the enchanting world of Little…

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Image of a Striated Pardalote

Striated Pardalote

In the vast and diverse world of birds, few species captivate the imagination quite like the Striated Pardalote (Pardalotus striatus). These diminutive avians are known for their vivid plumage, melodious calls, and remarkable nesting behaviors. In this article, we’ll delve into the enchanting world of Striated Pardalotes, exploring their physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and their…

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Image of a Pale-headed Rosella

Pale-headed Rosella

Australia is a land of incredible biodiversity, with its unique ecosystems supporting an array of charismatic and colorful wildlife. Among its avian treasures is the Pale-headed Rosella (Platycercus adscitus), a captivating parrot species that graces the continent’s eastern and northern regions. These enchanting birds are not only a delight to behold but also hold a…

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Image of a Magpie-lark


The Magpie-lark, scientific name Grallina cyanoleuca, is a captivating and charismatic bird species native to Australia. Also known as the Mudlark or Peewee, this avian wonder has intrigued both bird enthusiasts and casual observers alike for generations. With its distinctive appearance, fascinating behavior, and melodious calls, the Magpie-lark stands as a symbol of Australia’s unique…

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Image of a Fan-Tailed Cuckoo

Fan-Tailed Cuckoo

The world of birds is replete with remarkable species, each showcasing its unique adaptations and survival strategies. Among these intriguing creatures, the Fan-Tailed Cuckoo (Cacomantis flabelliformis) stands out as a fascinating example of avian cunning and adaptability. These birds, belonging to the Cuckoo family (Cuculidae), are renowned for their uncanny ability to dupe other bird…

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Image of a Varied Triller

Varied Triller

Australia’s avian world is a realm of enchantment, where diverse bird species fill the air with their captivating songs and vibrant plumage. Among the country’s many treasures, the Varied Triller (Lalage leucomela) stands out as a remarkable songbird, celebrated for its melodious calls and unique characteristics. In this article, we explore the life, behavior, and…

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Image of a White-winged Triller

White-winged Triller

Australia is a land of diverse and captivating birdlife, with an array of unique and enchanting species gracing its landscapes. Among these avian wonders, the White-winged Triller (Lalage sueurii) stands out as a delightful and melodious migrant. This article explores the lives and characteristics of White-winged Trillers, shedding light on their remarkable features, behavior, and…

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Image of a White-winged Chough

White-winged Chough

Australia’s diverse avian population boasts a multitude of unique and intriguing species, and among them, the White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos) stands out as a remarkable bird. With its striking black plumage, distinctive white wing patches, and complex social structure, the White-winged Chough is a fascinating and often misunderstood species. This article delves into the life,…

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Image of a Zebra Finch

Zebra Finch

In the vast and varied landscapes of Australia, a small and charming bird known as the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) thrives. With their endearing stripes and melodious songs, Zebra Finches are a testament to the resilience and adaptability of nature’s creations. This article delves into the lives of Zebra Finches in the wild, exploring their…

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