

Gordon King is the owner of Simply Birding, a website dedicated to sharing his passion for birdwatching and the wonders of nature. An avid naturalist, Gordon has authored numerous books that reflect his love for the outdoors, all of which can be found here: https://www.amazon.com.au/stores/Gordon-King/author/B0CNXBNF38 .In addition to his work on birding and nature, Gordon is also exploring his interest in writing children's books, aiming to inspire young readers to appreciate the natural world around them.

Sharp Tailed Sandpiper

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

The Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata) is a captivating and resilient migratory bird, belonging to the family Scolopacidae. Renowned for their long-distance migratory patterns, these birds breed in the tundra of Siberia and spend their non-breeding season in Australia and New Zealand. This article provides an insight into their habitat, behavior, diet, breeding habits, and the…

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Pied Cormorant

Pied Cormorant

The Pied Cormorant, Phalacrocorax varius, is a captivating seabird widely found in coastal and inland water regions of Australasia. Known for their distinctive black and white plumage and adept swimming abilities, these birds are an integral part of marine ecosystems. This article explores the Pied Cormorant’s habitat, behavior, diet, breeding habits, and conservation status, offering…

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Curlew Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpiper

The Curlew Sandpiper, a small wader in the family Scolopacidae, is a marvel of avian migration. Known scientifically as Calidris ferruginea, these birds are distinguished by their long, downcurved bills and elegant, slender bodies. They breed in the tundra of Siberia and are long-distance migrants, wintering on coasts in Africa, South Asia, and Australasia. This…

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The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), often known as the sea hawk, fish eagle, or river hawk, is a large raptor renowned for its exceptional fishing prowess. Found near bodies of water across the globe, from rivers and lakes to estuaries and coastal regions, the Osprey is the only member of the family Pandionidae. Habitat and Distribution…

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Beach Stone Curlew

Beach Stone-curlew

The Beach Stone-curlew (Esacus magnirostris) stands as a unique and somewhat elusive bird species inhabiting coastal regions in Australia, Southeast Asia, and the islands of the western Pacific. Known for their distinctive appearance and solitary nature, these birds are a fascinating subject for avian enthusiasts and conservationists. Habitat and Distribution Beach Stone-curlews are primarily found…

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Rufous Fantail

Rufous Fantail

The Rufous Fantail (Rhipidura rufifrons) is a small, vibrant bird known for its dynamic tail movements and rich, russet plumage. Found predominantly in the forests of Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific islands, this species is a member of the fantail family, renowned for their acrobatic flight and distinctive fan-shaped tails. Habitat and Distribution Rufous…

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Caspian Tern

Caspian Tern

The Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia) is the largest tern in the world, renowned for its impressive size, distinctive appearance, and exceptional fishing skills. These birds are found in a wide range of coastal and inland water environments across the globe, making them a familiar sight in many regions. Habitat and Distribution Caspian Terns have a…

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Varied Sittella

Varied Sittella

The Varied Sittella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera) is a small, energetic bird native to Australia, known for its distinctive foraging behavior and charming appearance. This species is a part of the Neosittidae family and is often observed in a variety of wooded habitats across the continent. Habitat and Distribution Varied Sittellas are found throughout much of Australia,…

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Black-fronted Dotteral seen along the waters edge

Black-fronted Dotterel

The Black-fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops) is a small, strikingly patterned shorebird found across Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. This species is known for its distinct coloration and delicate behavior, making it a charming subject for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Habitat and Distribution Black-fronted Dotterels are commonly found near fresh…

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Red Wattlebird

Red Wattlebird

The Red Wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata) is a distinctive and fascinating bird native to Australia. Known for its robust size, unique appearance, and vivacious behavior, this species is a member of the honeyeater family, which primarily feeds on nectar but also consumes insects and fruits. Habitat and Distribution Red Wattlebirds are found across southern Australia, from…

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