Green Catbird

Green Catbird

The Green Catbird (Ailuroedus crassirostris) is one of Australia’s most elusive and intriguing bird species, known for its striking emerald-green plumage and unique, cat-like calls. Unlike many other members of the bowerbird family, to which it belongs, the Green Catbird does not build bowers or engage in elaborate courtship displays. Instead, it is a secretive bird, often heard more than seen, making it a special find for birdwatchers exploring Australia’s subtropical rainforests.

In this article, we will explore the Green Catbird’s habitat, behavior, diet, and its mysterious place within the diverse and vibrant ecosystems of eastern Australia.

Appearance and Identification

The Green Catbird is aptly named for its brilliant green plumage, which helps it blend seamlessly into the dense rainforest canopy. This medium-sized bird measures about 28 to 34 cm (11 to 13 inches) in length. Its body is covered in bright green feathers, with subtle white streaks on the head, neck, and underparts.

Green Catbird seen at Mount Glorious

One of the most striking features of the Green Catbird is its thick, pale bill, which it uses to feed on a wide variety of fruits and other food items. Both males and females look similar, and their bright green coloration makes them difficult to spot among the lush foliage of their rainforest habitat. Their large, pale eyes give them an alert and curious expression, which is often the first thing birdwatchers notice if they’re lucky enough to spot one in the wild.

The Famous Call

The Green Catbird’s most distinctive trait is its vocalization, which sounds remarkably like a cat mewing or wailing, giving the bird its name. These eerie, almost mechanical-sounding calls echo through the forest, often confusing those unfamiliar with the species. In addition to the cat-like cries, the Green Catbird can produce a range of other sounds, including harsh chattering and more melodic notes during the breeding season.

Despite its name, the Green Catbird’s vocal repertoire extends far beyond just mimicking feline sounds. It uses these calls to communicate with other catbirds, establish territory, and attract mates. Because of its cryptic behavior and excellent camouflage, it’s often easier to hear a Green Catbird than to see one.

Habitat and Distribution

The Green Catbird is native to the rainforests of eastern Australia, ranging from southeastern Queensland to southern New South Wales. It is most commonly found in subtropical and temperate rainforests, particularly in the coastal ranges where the forests are dense and lush. These rainforests provide the perfect environment for the catbird, offering ample food and cover from predators.

Within its range, the Green Catbird prefers areas with dense canopy cover, where it can forage for food and remain hidden from view. These birds are also occasionally spotted in more open forest habitats, such as eucalyptus woodlands, provided there is sufficient food and vegetation to offer protection.

Some of the best places to observe Green Catbirds are in the well-preserved rainforest areas of national parks like Lamington National Park and Dorrigo National Park, both of which support healthy populations of this elusive species.

Diet and Feeding Habits

The Green Catbird is primarily frugivorous, feeding on a wide range of rainforest fruits and berries. Its strong, broad bill allows it to consume larger fruits that many other birds cannot handle. Figs, native laurels, and the fruits of lilly-pilly trees are all favorites of the Green Catbird. In addition to fruit, the catbird’s diet also includes insects, small invertebrates, and occasionally flowers and nectar.

The Green Catbird forages mainly in the upper levels of the rainforest canopy, often moving slowly and cautiously through the trees in search of ripe fruits. While these birds are usually solitary or found in pairs, they may join mixed-species feeding flocks, especially during times of abundant fruiting. Their slow movements and secretive nature make them difficult to observe, even when they are actively foraging.

Behavior and Social Structure

The Green Catbird is generally a solitary bird or seen in pairs, especially during the breeding season. It is not as social as some of its bowerbird relatives, and it does not build the intricate display structures, or bowers, that other species in its family are known for. Instead, Green Catbirds establish territories within their forest homes, which they defend through their vocalizations and occasional physical displays.

Despite their shy and secretive nature, Green Catbirds are known for being territorial, particularly during the breeding season, which occurs from August to January. During this time, both males and females aggressively defend their feeding areas and nesting sites from potential intruders.

Breeding and Nesting

Unlike its bower-building relatives, the Green Catbird takes a more traditional approach to reproduction. During the breeding season, males court females through vocalizations rather than elaborate displays or bowers. Once paired, the female is responsible for building the nest, which is typically a bulky structure made of sticks and lined with leaves, hidden high in the dense foliage of the rainforest canopy.

The female usually lays 1-2 eggs, which are incubated for about three weeks. Both parents take part in feeding the chicks, bringing them a diet rich in fruit and insects. The chicks fledge after around three to four weeks but continue to rely on their parents for food for some time afterward.

Conservation Status

The Green Catbird is currently listed as a species of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), meaning its population is stable, and it is not considered at risk of extinction. This is largely due to its presence in several protected rainforest areas, where conservation efforts have helped to maintain healthy habitats.

However, the ongoing threat of deforestation and habitat fragmentation in eastern Australia could pose future challenges to the Green Catbird’s survival. Since these birds rely on intact, dense rainforests for food and nesting, any significant loss of habitat could lead to population declines.

Conservation efforts focused on preserving rainforest habitats, along with promoting awareness about the importance of these ecosystems, are essential to ensuring the continued survival of the Green Catbird and other rainforest species.

Ecological Importance

The Green Catbird plays a critical role in maintaining the health of its rainforest habitat. As a frugivore, it aids in seed dispersal, helping to promote the regeneration of trees and plants throughout the forest. By consuming a wide variety of fruits and passing the seeds through its digestive system, the Green Catbird helps ensure that the next generation of rainforest flora has a chance to thrive.

In this way, the Green Catbird is not just an inhabitant of the rainforest—it is an essential part of the ecosystem’s health and regeneration.

Tips for Birdwatchers

For those hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive Green Catbird, the best strategy is often to listen for their distinctive, cat-like calls. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times to hear them, especially during the breeding season when they are more vocal. Since they often remain hidden in the dense foliage, patience and keen listening skills are essential for spotting one.

National parks such as Lamington, Springbrook, and Dorrigo in Queensland and New South Wales are excellent places to observe Green Catbirds in their natural environment. Exploring the rainforest trails in these parks increases the chance of hearing or seeing one of these shy birds.


The Green Catbird is a unique and enigmatic species that adds to the rich tapestry of Australia’s rainforests. Its striking green plumage, haunting calls, and vital role in seed dispersal make it a fascinating species for birdwatchers and conservationists alike. Though often difficult to spot, the thrill of hearing its cat-like call or catching a glimpse of its emerald feathers makes any encounter with the Green Catbird a rewarding experience.

As long as Australia’s rainforests remain protected, this secretive songster will continue to thrive and contribute to the biodiversity and beauty of these vital ecosystems.

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