Red-necked Stint

Rednecked Stint

The Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) is a remarkable small shorebird that embarks on one of the longest migratory journeys in the avian world. Despite its diminutive size, this plucky traveler covers vast distances between its breeding grounds in the Arctic tundra and its wintering sites in the southern hemisphere. The Red-necked Stint’s endurance, adaptability, and ecological significance make it a fascinating subject for ornithologists and bird enthusiasts.

Physical Characteristics

Measuring around 13 to 16 centimeters in length and weighing between 20 to 30 grams, the Red-necked Stint is one of the smallest shorebirds. Its plumage changes with the seasons; during the breeding season, adults sport a reddish-brown (rufous) neck and face, giving the species its name. In non-breeding plumage, they appear more subdued with gray-brown upperparts and white underparts. Their slender bills and legs are black, and they have a characteristic rapid and erratic flight pattern.

Habitat and Distribution

Red-necked Stints breed in the high Arctic regions of Siberia and occasionally in Alaska. They nest on the ground in sparsely vegetated areas of the tundra, often near water bodies such as lakes and rivers. During the non-breeding season, they migrate to coastal wetlands, estuaries, and mudflats across Australia, Southeast Asia, and occasionally New Zealand. Key wintering sites include the coastlines of Australia, particularly in Victoria and Tasmania.


The migration of Red-necked Stints is a feat of endurance and navigation. They travel up to 25,000 kilometers round-trip each year, flying from their Arctic breeding grounds to wintering sites in the southern hemisphere. This journey includes several stopover sites where they rest and refuel. The Yellow Sea region, with its extensive intertidal zones, is a crucial stopover site for many shorebirds, including Red-necked Stints. Here, they feast on invertebrates to build up energy reserves for the next leg of their journey.

Diet and Foraging Behavior

Red-necked Stints are opportunistic feeders, foraging in shallow waters and on mudflats. Their diet primarily consists of small invertebrates, such as insects, crustaceans, mollusks, and worms. They use their slender bills to probe the mud and sand, detecting prey by touch. During migration and winter, they often feed in mixed-species flocks, which can offer protection from predators and increase foraging efficiency.

Breeding and Life Cycle

Breeding season for Red-necked Stints begins in June, coinciding with the Arctic summer. They nest in small scrapes on the ground, lining them with moss, lichen, and leaves. Females typically lay four eggs, which are incubated by both parents for about three weeks. Once hatched, the chicks are precocial, meaning they are relatively mature and mobile shortly after birth. They leave the nest within days and begin foraging for themselves, though they are still tended by their parents.

Conservation Status

The Red-necked Stint is currently listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. The primary threats to their population include habitat loss and degradation, particularly at critical stopover sites in the Yellow Sea due to land reclamation and development. Climate change poses additional risks by altering the habitats and food availability in both breeding and wintering grounds. Disturbance from human activities and pollution further exacerbate these challenges.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation efforts for Red-necked Stints focus on protecting and managing their habitats, especially key stopover and wintering sites. International cooperation is essential, given their extensive migratory routes that span multiple countries. Initiatives include the designation of protected areas, habitat restoration projects, and the implementation of sustainable land-use practices. Monitoring programs and research are vital for understanding population trends and the impacts of environmental changes.


The Red-necked Stint exemplifies the incredible resilience and adaptability of migratory shorebirds. Its epic journeys and delicate reliance on diverse habitats highlight the interconnectedness of global ecosystems. Protecting the Red-necked Stint requires concerted efforts across national boundaries to safeguard the habitats they depend on throughout their migratory cycle. By fostering international collaboration and raising awareness, we can ensure that future generations witness the awe-inspiring migrations of these tiny avian travelers.

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