White-headed Pigeon

White Headed Pigeon Mill Road

The White-headed Pigeon (Columba leucomela), also known as the Baldy or White-headed Dove, is a striking bird native to eastern Australia. With its unique appearance and quiet demeanor, this pigeon has captured the attention of bird enthusiasts and conservationists alike.

White-headed Pigeon seen in the Moggill Forest

Physical Description

The White-headed Pigeon is a large, robust bird, measuring about 38-42 centimeters in length. Its most distinctive feature is its entirely white head, nape, chest and belly, which contrasts sharply with its dark slate-grey back and wings and tail. The bird has a characteristic yellow eye with bare red skin surrounding the eye. Juvenile birds have a mottled brown head, which gradually turns white as they mature. This striking coloration makes the White-headed Pigeon easily recognizable among Australia’s diverse bird species.

Habitat and Distribution

White-headed Pigeons are primarily found along the eastern coast of Australia, from Cape York Peninsula in Queensland to southern New South Wales. They inhabit a variety of forested environments, including rainforests, wet sclerophyll forests, and nearby agricultural areas. They are often seen in subtropical and temperate regions, where they can find their preferred food sources.

Behavior and Diet

These pigeons are primarily frugivorous, feeding on a wide range of fruits and seeds. They have a particular preference for the fruits of native fig trees, as well as other rainforest fruits. They are also known to forage in agricultural areas, where they feed on the seeds of introduced plants. The White-headed Pigeon plays a crucial role in seed dispersal, helping to maintain the health and diversity of their forest habitats.

White-headed Pigeons are generally shy and elusive birds, often staying high in the canopy. They are known for their strong, direct flight, which they use to travel between feeding and roosting sites. Despite their usually solitary nature, they can sometimes be seen in small flocks, especially during the breeding season.

Breeding and Lifespan

The breeding season for White-headed Pigeons typically occurs from October to January. They build simple platform nests out of twigs, usually placed high in a tree fork or on a dense horizontal branch. The female typically lays a single white egg, which both parents incubate for about 18-20 days. Once hatched, the chick is fed by both parents and fledges after approximately three weeks. White-headed Pigeons can live up to 15 years in the wild, though this can vary depending on environmental conditions and predation pressures.

Conservation Status and Threats

The White-headed Pigeon is currently listed as a species of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, they do face several threats that could impact their populations in the future. Habitat loss due to deforestation and land clearing for agriculture poses the most significant threat. Additionally, the spread of invasive plant species and changes in forest composition can affect the availability of their preferred food sources.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation efforts for the White-headed Pigeon primarily focus on habitat preservation and restoration. Protecting large tracts of rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest is crucial to ensuring the continued survival of this species. Reforestation projects and the establishment of wildlife corridors help maintain suitable habitats and facilitate movement between fragmented forest areas. Public education and community involvement in conservation initiatives also play a vital role in protecting the White-headed Pigeon’s habitat.

The Role of Citizen Science

Citizen science initiatives have become increasingly important in monitoring the White-headed Pigeon populations. Birdwatchers and local communities are encouraged to report sightings and nesting activities. These observations provide valuable data for researchers and conservationists, helping to track population trends and identify critical habitats. Public participation in these efforts fosters a sense of connection to the natural world and supports long-term conservation goals.


The White-headed Pigeon is a serene and beautiful resident of Australia’s eastern forests. Its striking appearance and vital ecological role make it an important species to protect and cherish. Through ongoing conservation efforts and community engagement, we can ensure that the White-headed Pigeon continues to thrive in its natural habitat, contributing to the rich biodiversity of Australia’s unique ecosystems.

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