Bibimulya Wetland Reserve

Home Forums Trip Reports Bibimulya Wetland Reserve

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      Visiting Bibimulya Wetland Reserve on Bribie Island is a peaceful experience, starting with parking on Bibimulya Street and following the discreet access paths nestled between the houses.

      Bibimulya Wetlands entrance path

      This sheltered reserve, particularly welcoming on a windy day, offers a tranquil environment where you can observe a variety of bird species. During my visit, I spotted Eurasian Coots, Australasian Grebes, Hardheads, Little Black Cormorants, and a few Australian White Ibises, all enjoying the calm waters of the wetland. The reserve’s secluded nature and abundant birdlife make it a hidden gem for birdwatchers seeking a quiet retreat.

      Hardhead at Bibimulya Wetlands



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