South Africa birds from around Johannesburg

Home Forums Bird Photos South Africa birds from around Johannesburg

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    • #3288

      Wadding through a few thousand photos and videos from South Africa! Not easy when you are very jetlagged!

      Here are a few from around Johannesburg:

      African Black Duck

      African Black Duck

      Yellow-billed Duck

      Yellow-billed Duck

      Egyptian Goose

      Egyptian Goose

      Hadeda Ibis

      Hadeda Ibis

      Sacred Ibis

      Sacred Ibis

      Blacksmith Lapwing

      Blacksmith Lapwing

      Black-collared Barbet

      Black-collared Barbet

      Crested Barbet

      Crested Barbet

      Cape Glossy Starling

      Cape Glossy Starling

      Cape Robin-chat

      Cape Robin-chat

      Cape White-eye

      Cape White-eye

      Dark-capped Bulbul

      Dark-capped Bulbul

      Fiscal Flycatcher

      Fiscal Flycatcher

      Grey-headed Gull

      Grey-headed Gull

      Karoo Thrush

      Karoo Thrush

      Laughing Dove

      Laughing Dove

      Long-crested Eagle

      Long-crested Eagle

      Rose-ringed Parakeet

      Rose-ringed Parakeet

      Southern Masked Weaver

      Southern Masked Weaver Male Breeding

      Southern Masked Weaver non breeding

      Speckled Mousebird

      Speckled Mousebird

      Tawny-flanked Prinia

      Tawny-flanked Prinia

      Thick-billed Weaver

      Thick-billed Weaver

      Hope you all enjoy!



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